Saturday, May 29, 2010

Who's gonna come with us?

So what are YOU doing July 16-18???

Piper and I are off to the National Down Syndrome Convention in Orlando with our friends Magan and Sawyer!  You wanna come with us?

I think we may have convinced someone into joining us- how about you, too?

Who's going?  Anyone planning on it? 

I have a lot of blogging to catch up on from this week, but I need to finish some work tonight instead (sigh...).  Hope you all have a delightful loooong weekend!


  1. I would love to, but with Claire's surgery it will have to wait for next year...

  2. Bummer, we were a year early...We went to Orlando last July! UGH, poor planning on our part. Hope you guys have a great time, meet lots of friends and learn tons that you share with us.
