Sunday, January 17, 2010

Berry Cute!

Have you ever been somewhere and saw something that you knew you couldn't pass up?  Even if you knew it was completely impractical, maybe a little silly, but it didn't matter???

I found a swimsuit for Piper last year on clearance.  Size 0-3 months.  Because all newborn babies need a swimsuit, right?  But how could we NOT buy a strawberry suit?  I mean, look-- isn't it obvious that she needed it???

The only problem is that it's obviously too cold to set up a pool outside.  And take her to the pool?  You've got to be kidding. 

So, we had a pool party in the tub today.  Swimsuit included, of course.


She hasn't ever had a bath, by herself, in the big bathtub before.  Not where she could splash and wriggle to her heart's content.

We gave her toys to play with.  But her fingers were, of course, more fun.

She decided she could practice her modeling poses.  I'm sure I don't approve of her aspirations.

I'm really not entirely sure what she thought of the whole experience.  I think that she got cold quickly because she wasn't submerged like she usually is, and it took us a while to get her warm again.  But I think all-in-all it was a success!


  1. Piper looks so cute; wish I was there!
    Nana :)

  2. Oh, I'm dying. I'm dying of the cuteness of it all. Swim a lap for us, Little P!

  3. Adorable! Glad you snatched that up. I find the bath is cold too, but if you close the door and run the shower to fill the tub, it gets all steamy and stays a lot warmer for Aubrey.
