Friday, December 11, 2009

Poking, Prodding, and Plodding

Wow.  What an incredibly exhausting, nerve-wrecking day. We left for Children's Hospital at 11, and didn't get home until a little after 5:30. 

We had to be there at 12:30 for her ultrasound at 1:00.  She wasn't allowed to eat anything for 3 hours beforehand, and because she is my "I-must-eat-every-3-hours-or-else-I-know-I'll-just-die" child, I was so not looking forward to it.  But she did GREAT.  I was really amazed.  She sat and talked to the radiologist as she poked and prodded on her belly.  She was even cheery when she was on her tummy so that they could see her kidneys from the back.  She was such a happy little squirt!

So, as we expected, the gallstones are still there.  The good news is that they aren't affecting anything seriously enough to be causing any damage at this point.  But they are fairly good sized, and like I said before, I'm sure that they are causing her some issues now and again.  The next step now is to talk with the GI doctors at Children's to see what they recommend.  I think that her pediatricians are a little uneasy about pursuing anything surgical just yet because she's so tiny.  I guess we'll see what the GI guy says and go from there.  It'll just be nice to get a plan of attack for these darn things!

After that, we had about an hour to kill before her regular appointment.  We got to hang out with Brie, my friend who works there.  She even had a giant yoga ball in her office that Piper got to play on.  She was very glad to see Brie, and wondered when she'd get a play date with Cadence, Brie's little girl who's a week older than Piper.  Hopefully soon!

The check-up went great!  Piper has officially graduated ONTO the growth chart, weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds and 10 ounces.  Now, granted, it's the Ds growth chart (we can't even see the typical growth chart at this point), and at 5%, but she is there.  And you know the best part?  WE DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK UNTIL FEBRUARY!!!  Two full months away?  I can't believe it!  Piper was glad, too, because after her visit ended with the second set of flu shots, she's not too excited to go back any time soon. 
Before we left, though, they wanted to do another blood test to check her liver and gallbladder functions since it hadn't been checked since August.  So we plodded, wallowing, over to the lab with our incredibly exhausted, grumpy, and very sad little girl.  Then they couldn't get the vein to work, and then she clotted too quickly...  Piper just sat there screaming, looking at me with that look of "why are you letting them do this to me???".  Horrible.  Such a nasty way to end the day. 

To top it all off, we were there for so long (which admittedly I don't really mind-- when you have a doctor that's willing to spend an hour or more with you), that we hit rush-hour on the way home.  It took us an hour and a half on the road.  Ugh. 

But, at least it's done.  And *hopefully* we're done with weight checks, at least for a while.  It'd sure be nice! 

On the plus side, Luke and I both got our H1N1 shots today, too.  And since they had the actual injection, and not the nasal spray, I can still donate milk.  So many things marked off our to-do list!  Thank goodness!

(Notice Piper's all-business attitude about today. 
Little did she know that her day was about to take a tragic turn into utter sadness...)

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