Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Park Shmark…

It was so gorgeous today, so, for the first time since late last summer (all of fall was spent in more “protective” environments after surgery, and then winter hit, of course), Piper got to go the park to play.

I was, sadly, far more excited than she was.

We had an early OT appointment today, so as soon as Becky left, I plopped Piper in the car to go to the only park near us with toddler swings (not one of the 15 that are within walking distance, of course). 

By the time we go there, got out of the car, and TO the swings, Piper decided that she does not LIKE to swing, thankyouverymuch (even though she LOVED it last summer).   

I was totally bummed by her lack of enthusiasm.  But maybe this explains why:


Yup.  She was done before we even got started.  I think “exhausted” is a mild understatement.

But, we had made the trip all the way there, and it was only 10:45 after all (which is a full 45 minutes before lunch and THEN she could have a nap).  So we had some sensory exposure in the wood chips.  AND she had to walk in them, and on the grass, which is very new to her. 



She crashed a full 3.5 seconds after I turned the car on.  Sans lunch (which, for Piper, is quite impressive). 

And proceeded to take a wonderfully long nap. 

…and so did I!!!


  1. Well at least you got to get outside and have some sun on your face! I hear the weather is supposed to get yucky now. Too bad, I thought spring was here to stay ;)

  2. So glad you were able to get outside and enjoy the weather, obviously the fresh air made happy sleepers out of both of you =) Perfect day!

  3. Just for the record - the last photo here of Pipster is now my desktop at work. She makes me smile. Love my little niece!!
