Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Holy Moly- do we REALLY leave tomorrow?

My gyolly- can’t believe that I’m actually taking my one-year-old on a plane tomorrow.  By myself.  Across the country.  I can’t even sit still for four hours.  This could be interesting.

So think good thoughts for us tomorrow morning.  And that my kid behaves herself on the flight. 

You know those signs they use for live audiences to tell them when to applaud?  I’m contemplating making one for the airplane.  One that says “Awwwww”.  If I could get everyone around us to “awwww”, Piper would stop any fit she was in the middle of, or about to be, throwing. 

Besides the flight, I’m getting really excited.  We’re going to have so much fun.  And I’m getting together with the other bloggers who are going on Saturday for lunch, which I’m also really excited about.  Piper’s excited to play, too.  She obviously doesn’t really know what’s happening, but I can tell she can feel the anticipation/anxiety/excitement that’s emanating from our house these days. 

And, to make everything even better?  Piper hasn’t woken up coughing the last TWO (count ‘em, folks, two) mornings.  Not that that has prevented her from waking up between five and five thirty (I literally cried this morning), but at least she’s not coughing.  Maybe, just maybe, the steroids are actually working.  Either that, or I’ve just completely jinxed ourselves, and Magan and Sawyer will send us into exile in the hallway at night.

I’m hoping that I’ll have internet somewhere in the hotel, but if I hafta pay, you won’t be hearing from me until we get back on Monday.  I’m cheap like that. 

I feel like I have about 147 posts I need to put up, but unfortunately, getting hours in for work (which, despite my best efforts, still didn’t happen this week) has priority.  Sometimes being an adult just plain stinks. 

So, if you live between Colorado and Florida, think good thoughts for us as we fly overhead.  Think good, calm, sleepy, soothing, and non-screaming thoughts.  Otherwise, we may be coming to an airport near you!



  1. I miss you guys already! Have fun; I can't wait to hear about everything when you get home!

  2. Have a great trip - hope you have great seat neighbors on your flights that can help entertain the little princess :)
    I actually let a complete stranger hold Max on a flight because I needed to use the bathroom so badly and he had just fallen asleep in my arms. Good luck!!

  3. Praying for a wonderful trip and a fantastic weekend for you both! Enjoy...can't wait to hear all about it when you return.

  4. Oh I'm so jealous!! Have a great time!

  5. I'm jealous and can't wait to hear all about it!
