Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I posted some of the “good” pictures that we took of Piper for her (albeit a little late) birthday the other day.

Those, however, weren’t the most…  shall we say… entertaining.

These are the outtakes that are worthy of being shared, but aren’t on my “I must print these” list.  Maybe.

P1100080“You want me to do get close to that???”

P1100089“Ohhh, what a nice dear!”


I know that we were getting a mouthful of something here, but I have no idea of what she was saying.  Or the importance she felt that lecture carried.  You can see that look in her eyes of “Now, look….  See here…  This is how it’s gonna be.”  I’m thinking that a career in lecturing is in her future.  Professor?  Trainer?  That person at the museum who tells you not to touch something?  Who knows… 

P1100108A signature Piper look

P1100113Okay, so these…  We were trying to get Piper to smell the flowers (she’s usually really good at smelling things- really, she is) but she decided that either a) they smelled good enough to taste, or b) she decided surely something so pretty is meant to be eaten, so why take the time to smell???

P1100116Wondering what she just did (rather- wondering what we “made” her do…)

P1100118…and deciding that it did not taste good.

P1100119…aaaand deciding that she was not happy with the whole situation.  We moved on at this point…

P1100125We sat her down here and someone walked by and said something along the lines of “oh, look at that cute little girl”.  Piper heard and signed “thank you”.  She’s cute and she knows it- but at least she’s polite about it…

P1100127 The pretty pink flowers were near the library- so of course, there’s a statue of kids reading books nearby.  This completely creeped Piper out.  She had no idea why the little girls weren’t moving.  See the look of concern in her face???

P1100128Signing “book”, but she couldn’t figure out how to get the pages to turn.

P1100129“Are you okay, little girl???”

P1100135This is just funny because of the tongue.  Look at that thing.  I mean, really…

P1100136We crossed the river and let Piper look down.  She was amazed, awe-struck, and, I think, a little horrified, all at the same time.  We could not get her attention, and she would not take her eyes off the water.  Kind of funny, actually.

Baby Addy 028And on the other side of the river, we found more of those pretty pink flowers.  Turns out, they don’t taste any better here than they did there.  Go figure.


  1. Piper is adorable! I love the outtakes, especially the ones of her snacking on the flowers. :)

  2. Oh, the cuteness overload that your kid brings - makes me just want to squeal - she's so adorable! And the whole signing thank you to the people who complimented her was totally priceless. She is a riot!
