Thursday, October 4, 2012

First Freeze

We’re supposed to have our first freeze tonight (tomorrow?  Can’t really remember.  Forgive me- frankly, I’m lucky I still remember my name and address…  at least I think I do…)

Usually the first freeze makes me a little sad.  From that point on, it’s a gradually decreasing slope to the depths of winter.  And while the warm clothes, hot chocolate, and sparkling snow sound somewhat appealing, thoughts of driving in the snow, dirty snow that never melts, and the forbidden fruit of outdoor playgrounds take over.

This year, though, this year I’m excited for winter.

This year, I’m hoping Jack Frost will also bring us a change in our luck.

For the first time ever, I can officially say that I’m over summer.

Since May, we’ve fixed our heater (yes, we do live in Colorado and can have a blizzard in the same week as we need the air conditioner), fixed our air conditioner, replaced two computers, replaced a camera, fixed random (expensive) things on both cars, dog broke his arm, our television died…

But more emotionally stressful was our summer for the girls- dermatology for Addy, sleep study for Piper, ENT for Piper, Addy’s little seizure fiasco (and the subsequent dozen doctor visits including EEGs, EKGs, Neurologists, Cardiologists, Pediatricians), Piper’s tonsillectomy and four night hospital stay, Piper’s month-long recovery from said tonsillectomy, funny heart murmur discovered at Piper’s tonsillectomy, and now, of course, Piper’s drama with pneumonia.

That’s enough for one season, don’t you think?

I’m over summer.

I’m ready for a few months filled with these smiles!

DSC_0232 (2)


  1. Ya, I'd be over summer too if I were you! Great picture of the girls, such incredible smiles, I love it :)

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  3. I can totally understand why you would be over summer! Its been one of those seasons for you ! Here is hoping that winter is a much better season!
