Monday, October 5, 2015

Step Up for Down Syndrome 2015

I admit.  I slacked this year.  I just…  wasn’t in the mood.  So at the last minute we decided to go with no tent, no food, no strollers or wagons.  Just GO. 

DSC_0126The obligatory “Mom, it’s too bright!  Please stop making us take a picture here!” picture.  It was so stinking hot, no one had their long-sleeved walk shirts on.  But they did look cute.

I’m so glad we did.  I’m always glad we go.  It’s so much fun seeing all the kids.  I run the Mom’s Night Out group here in town, so I see the moms routinely, but the kids not nearly as often.  My mom, our loyal supporter, came with us (as always) which the kids adored, obviously.DSC_0110

It was hot this year, so I was exceedingly glad that we didn’t have a tent to set up, take down, and haul back to the car.  We tent-hopped with our friends which actually worked out well- I think we saw a lot more people that way! 

We did NOT do the 2 mile loop since we had three kids and no way for the girls to ride.  But that worked out well, too- they could dilly-dally on the 1 mile loop, they could watch the ducks, and it wasn’t as busy. 



Besides, there’s only, like, two times a year, maybe, that Piper has the chance to get her face painted like a tiger.  It’s always a tiger.  Every. single. time.  Doesn’t matter what else happened- Piper got tiger stripes, so the day was a success!DSC_0139

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